Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog / Wikki


In my opnion, blog is like a personal page or website.It could be used to share information about college,personal life,employer or any thing.You can arrange your page as the way you like.It is a tool for communicating your friends and realtives. You can set the setting as you prefer.The main purpose is to provide readers information about your self.The blog is controled by you and no one can edit your information.People can write comments about posts,images or videos.Moreover, it is also like a notebook which has pages (posts) and people enter more and more stuff in it.


Wikki on the other hand might look like a sister to blog.Wikkis are basically controled by the moderator.For example wikipedia users can write or edit information but there are people who add more information and they are offical moderators from wikipedia.People are not welcome to comment on wikkis.Although , we might see some some new sort of wikis coming out with the option of people making comments on them.Wikis main purpose is to educate and provide information to its readers.Some people claim that info on wikis are inaccurate but in my opnion wikis are doing an important role providing us useful information.

Convergence in today's networked world

Wikis and Blogs have became an important part of our society.The readership of blogs and wikkis have increased over the time.This is the first time ever i created a blog and wikki and i am very pleased by the fact that they are very intercative way of communicating.The future for both wikis and blogs are bright and they are here to stay for long.This website cited below provides how blogs reader ship has even taken over my space and face book accounts.

Blogs for collaboration

Bloggers use blogs to communicate with the outer world in cyber space.As we know that many companies are using blogs to interact with their employers and customers. Now , we have also witnessed that political candidates camp have setup their own blogs and they are attracting people over it.There can be many other ways to use blogs like the way we are connected to our classs through blog. We also discussed about doctors writing about diseases on the blogs and educating the world.There are unlimited ways of using blogs.

New use for a wiki

Adding a like mini wikki on websites so that it can inform us about the websites.For example, there are websites which we hit and we normally are unaware of it.We have to goto help or feedback or some other sections to find out what the website is for.Having a mini wikki providing us some information about the website on right side of the websites front page can be useful for new browsers.

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